Influence de l’ordinateur sur l’activité d’enseignement : le cas d’une situation en technologie au collège
Title | Influence de l’ordinateur sur l’activité d’enseignement : le cas d’une situation en technologie au collège |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Laisney, P., Brandt-Pomares P., & Ginestié J. |
Journal | Review of science, mathematics and ICT educationReview of science, mathematics and ICT education |
Volume | 5 |
Pagination | 9-26 |
Keywords | Computers practices, Information and communication technology, process of transmission-appropriation, Teaching practices, Technological education |
Abstract | The research focuses on the teaching- learning process about technological education of information and communication technology (ICT). They analyse school organizations implemented and the process of transmission - appropriation of knowledge relating to the use of computers by students. This concerns the development process of objects of knowledge, particularly through the construction and handling of artefacts. |