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4 resultats trouvés
Filtres: Auteur est Benson, Clare  [Clear All Filters]
Ginestié, J., Brandt-Pomares P., Chatoney M., Martinez Y., & Oliveri G. (2006).  Educational system and teacher training in France. (Ginestié, J., Ed.).Teacher Training: preparing young people for their future lives. An international study in Technology Education. 63-76.
Brandt-Pomares, P., Chatoney M., Martinez Y., Mistre G., & Oliveri G. (2006).  Module for teacher training at IUFM. (Ginestié, J., Ed.).Teacher Training: preparing young people for their future lives. An international study in Technology Education. 133-140.
Brandt-Pomares, P. (2005).  A laptop for each pupil: An analysis of technology education teacher activity. (Benson, C., Lawson S., & Till W., Ed.).5th International Primary Design and Technology Conference. 111-114.